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Montage Dance Productions

Montage produces dance showcases and competitions that attract Northern California dancers of all ages and feature internationally recognized guest performers and dance companies.  We provide young dancers a unique opportunity to perform and develop their love of dance with positive role models they admire and emulate.  Montage is a venue where youth and adults, students and professionals come together to share the joy and artistic expression of dance.​   Montage Dance Productions also owns and manages Montage Dance Studio, Montage Video Productions, and Lauren Hoskins Photography.

Lauren Hoskins, founder and Director of Montage Dance Productions, produced the first Montage Dance Showcase in 2006, drawing on dancers from local studios and dance troupes.  As Lauren expanded her network in the entertainment industry, she began to invite guest performers who have placed at international competitions and appeared on television shows such as So You Think You Can Dance, America's Got TalentAmerica's Best Dance Crew, and Glee.  Quest, Academy of Villains, Mix'd Elements, Funkanometry, Club House, and other renowned dance companies have brought their incredible talent to the Montage stage.  For most of our dancers, meeting and performing in the same venue with these accomplished artists has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Montage keeps evolving.  In 2012, we added a new dimension to our annual December Dance Showcase by including a competition to the event, which awarded a $1,000 first-place prize in the Adult Division and $500 first-place prize in the Youth Division.  It was so successful that the event has grown in cash prizes and features more than 500 youth and adult dancers.  Our Urban Competitions are held the first Sunday in December at the Santa Clara Convention Center. 


Montage gives back to the community throughout the year by participating in fundraisers and public events. In 2014, we hosted our second biennial Montage Dance Showcase Fundraiser with all proceeds benefiting Ronald McDonald House at Stanford.  This special event includes a dinner reception with silent auction and raffle prizes.  We are extremely proud to support the House and the families that they serve. 


July 2014, Montage Dance Productions opened Montage Dance Studio located in the Willow Glen area of San Jose.  The Studio offers dance and fitness classes to youth and adults and is the home of the Montage Hip Hop and Contemporary Dance Companies.  Part of the curriculum includes workshops by guest choreographers and the opportunity to perform at the Montage Urban Competition and other Montage sponsored events. 











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